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Information about the formats

Paper-based IELTS (PBI)

  1. 1. Test Format:
    • Consists of four sections: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking.
    • Listening and Speaking are conducted face-to-face with an examiner.
    • Reading and Writing are completed on paper.
  1. 2. Listening:
    • Four recorded sections with different types of questions.
    • Played once only.
  1. 3. Reading:
    • Three passages with various question types.
    • Increasing difficulty level.
  1. 4. Writing:
    • Task 1 (Academic): Describing a graph, table, chart, or diagram.
    • Task 1 (General Training): Writing a letter based on a given situation.
    • Task 2: Writing an essay on a given topic.
  1. 5. Speaking:
    • A Face-to-face or VCS (video call speaking) interview with an examiner.
  1. 6. Scoring:
    • Each section (Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking) is scored on a band scale from 1 to 9.
    • The overall band score is the average of these four individual scores.

Computer-delivered IELTS (CDI)

  1. 1. Test Format:
    • Similar to PBI but with the Listening, Reading, and Writing components conducted on a computer.
    • Speaking is still a face-to-face interview with an examiner.
  1. 2. Listening:
    • Similar to PBI but with questions presented on a computer screen.
  1. 3. Reading:
    • Passage-based questions presented on a computer screen.
  1. 4. Writing:
    • Typing tasks on a computer.
    • Task 1 (Academic) may involve interpreting and describing visual information.
    • Task 1 (General Training) involves letter writing.
    • Task 2 is an essay.
  1. 5. Speaking:
    • A Face-to-face or VCS (video call speaking) interview with an examiner.
  1. 6. Scoring:
    • Similar to PBI, each section is scored on a band scale from 1 to 9, and the overall band score is the average.